How it works

It is easy to order stamps from Online Philately. On this page, we give an overview of the steps you go through to place an order with us.

Should you have any additional questions you can read our Frequently asked questions and answers or contact us at

1. Use our search tool

  • Use our search function or navigate through the categories that interests you in the left column on all the pages.

    Find an objekt with our search function
    At the top of the page you find the search form. Type in what you are looking for. Objects that matches your crieteria will be displayed in a list below the search form. To display all results click View all.

    If you would like to see an object in the list, click on it.

2. Place objects into your cart

  • When you have found an object that you would like to buy, click on the Buy now button. The object will then be added to your cart.

    Your cart is saved if you are logged in as a customer and will be available when you login the next time.

    Please observe that objects are NOT reserved when they are placed in your cart.

4. Deliveries

  • We will delivery your order as soon as possible. Normally we deliver all orders within 5-7 working days. All orders are delivered with A-post (Priority).

    All orders exceeding SEK 300 are delivered free of delivery costs - world wide. On all other orders we charge a fixed delivery cost of SEK 20.

    You can have your order delivered with registered mail by selecting this option when you checkout your order at an extra cost of SEK 70 for deliveries in Sweden and SEK 85 for deliveries to other countries.

    You can read more about our delivery terms here.

3. Confirm and pay your order

  • When the objects that you would like to buy are placed in your cart, click the Checkout button and either login to your account or type in your personal details and select your payment method. We offer several secure payment options.

    You can read about our payment options here.

    If you are a new customer, we recommend you to register an account with us so that you can shop and checkout quicker in the future and get access to all servcies that we offer.